Bite sized stories bursting with magic.
Suspend your disbelief and let your imagination take you away. Trust yourself to fly as you follow 23 talented authors on a journey through magical realms. There, find love with a werewolf, make it rain with a coven of witches, fight alongside dragons, and more. Give into the magic, and step into our worlds.
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About the Authors:
Penelope Anne Bartotto Penelope Anne Bartotto started writing once she discovered crayons were not a recommended dietary option. Fueled by coffee she has written numerous poems and flash fiction, as well as short stories featured in
Paranormal Anthology with a Twist and
Dark Light Four. Married with three adult children, she calls Wisconsin her home. Now free to pursue her love of the written word, between reviewing for InD'Tale Magazine and editing, she continues to work on her great American novel.
Reven Archer Black Reven Archer Black lives in Canada but her imagination lives in the speculative fiction world, dallying with fantasy more than other genres. Her writing adventures started one fateful night when she was 6 years old. Now she is armed with a wildly eclectic music collection and a large helping of weird ideas, exploring the dark side of human nature. Reven’s first novel,
Ascension, is slated for release in 2015, kicking off her epic fantasy series,
Blood & Heritage. She welcomes everyone to drop by her social media pages and say hello, especially if they come with humour and chocolate.
Cathrina Constantine Cathrina Constantine is a young adult author. She writes paranormal/thriller/dystopia/romance/mystery/fantasy/contemporary novels. To date she's published: Wickedly They Come, Wickedly They Dream, Tallas, short stories in A Touch of Winter, Twist of Fate, and her 4th novel, Don't Forget to Breathe will be published by CHBB in Feb. 2015.
Michael Cross Michael Cross lives in Seattle, WA. This land is prone to lots of rain, fantastic adventures and the occasional flyby dragon. When Cross isn’t working on his next novel, he spends his time reading, modding steampunk inventions or working on his airship with his copilot chihuahua. Cross dreamed of becoming a storyteller back when he was read stories like “The Odyssey” and legends of Roman soldiers and Arthur. He writes mostly paranormal, fantasy, New Adult and steampunk.
Nicole L Daffurn Sunshine, surf and family are the corner stones of Nicky’s world. Being born and raised on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia gave her the opportunity to chase her dream of photography and later novel writing. She fell in love with fantasy and dystopian and crafted stories with strong men and powerful women. As well as her many contributions to chbb anthologies, her debut novel through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly - Courageous Souls - was released November 6 2014. Her Second Novel - The Darkness Within was published February 5th 2015. When she is not busy being an author, you will find her walking along the water with her husband or chasing after her two children.
Joe DiCicco Joe DiCicco is a 30 year old author of horror, sci-fi, dystopian and dark fantasy. He has one novel and two short stories available on Amazon. He currently resides in upstate NY.
KC Finn K. C. Finn was born and raised in Cardiff, South Wales, where her love for storytelling grew at a precociously young age. After developing the medical condition M.E. / C.F.S., Kim turned to writing to escape the pressures of disabled living, only to become hooked on the incredible world of publishing.
Jordanne Fuller Jordanne Fuller is a mishmash of creative talents whirling into one another, solidified into a woman. She has been writing since she can remember but didn't realize how much she enjoyed it until her poetry explosion at the age of sixteen. At twenty, she wrote her first (unfinished) novel that will likely never see the light of day. Now that she is thirty(ish) Jordanne has finished her first novel that she hopes to publish in the near future. Dusk is her first piece to enter the hands of a publishing company, and the stand alone prequel to Night, her current novel in progress.
HL Houghton H.L. Houghton remembers sitting on the floor with a little red typewriter, tapping keys and asking her mother for spellings. She was three years old and from that day to this, she has dreamed of writing wonderful things for others to read. H.L has published a collection of funny vampire stories titled 'Almost Dead' and a short story , 'Dakkar,' available in Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing's 'After Tomorrow Anthology'.When she isn’t writing she can be found with a camera glued to her face or a book in her hand. She loves music, singing badly and watching people run from the rain.
CL McCollum C.L. McCollum spends her time delving into the wonder of the world. She’s always been drawn to the “How” and the “Why” and the “Is this even possible?” That addiction to wonder has led her to the realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy. C. L. is on the Great Agent Hunt for her first full length novel, but has stories featured in the charity anthology
Clichés for a Cause: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (October 2014) and the
After Tomorrow anthology (December 2014). Currently, C. L. is keeping it weird in Austin, TX with the love of her life and their various furry roommates.
Roxanne Milson Originating from the sunny Gold Coast, Australia, Roxanne now resides in the small city of Tauranga in New Zealand. All her life Roxanne has used her love of art and writing to bring her creative imagination to life. Born to love fantasy and anything Victorian Gothic, she has come to love various genres and writes stories in fantasy, Steampunk, dark Gothic and even crime thrillers. Currently, Roxanne is working on her first two novels in a series of crime thrillers known as the Echoes of Murder, an epic dark fantasy and several short stories in various genres including paranormal and fantasy. When Roxanne is not planning and writing her stories, she’s drawing them, bringing all her characters to life through visual art. And when she’s not doing either of those, she’s curled up with her cats or out horseback riding.
Stacey Janie McIntosh In 2011 she had her first short story
Freya published in an anthology, nine more followed bringing the total up to ten. The latest two
Shadows of Annwn and
The Hunter Million are published in the CHBB Anthology
Mystical Bites.
Emma Michaels is the bestselling author of the Society of Feathers series. As an avid reader she started her book blog in 2009 ( and over the years has received numerous publications. Working to help Indies and small presses from around the world she has received the nickname ‘The Mad Hatter’ for her versatility in graphic design, publishing, marketing, and blogging.
Lexi Ostrow Lexi Ostrow has been in love with the written word since second grade when her librarian started a writing club. Born in sunny southern California she’s spent time in various places across the country and can’t wait to settle down somewhere in the French Quarter when she’s able too. Lexi has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing and her master’s in journalism she couldn’t wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn’t a genre she doesn’t love to spend her time reading or writing.
Demetria Patalano Demi started out writing poetry, which evolved into short stories. Waiting for her goal to become a full-length author is soon to come. She currently is involved in Anthologies for Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. She loves to read, write, and take pictures. Demi is from a small town in southern Illinois. She is a homemaker to, two beautiful children Nikolai 4 and Dani Jo 8
Heather Sharpe Heather Sharpe is an ex-teacher turned stay at home mom. She lives on six acres in Kansas with her husband and three year old son, and more pets than any sane Mommy would agree to. In any time not spent chasing pets and children Heather likes to go to the lake, crochet, or bake.
Jessica Slater Jessica was born in Brisbane and raised in a beautiful country town; Warwick. Since the moment she could read and write she never stopped and it was always an endless pile of books and paper.When she isn’t writing or reading you can find her working as a manager at KFC or taking walks with her partner and beautiful dog.
AL Staum Andrea L. Staum is the author the Dragonchild Lore series, The Attic’s Secret novella, and has contributed to several best selling anthologies. She's a trained motorcycle technician, an amateur home renovator, and somehow manages to find time to write. She lives in south central Wisconsin with her husband, three 'unique' cats.
Pavarati K Tyler Award-winning author of multi-cultural and transgressive literature, Pavarti K. Tyler can be found with Doc Martens strapped on over fishnets, but a girlish giggle as easily and likely as a throaty guffaw.
Jess Watkins Jess is an avid reader, writer and chocolate devourer. She runs a book blog called A Book Addict's Bookshelves and co-runs Worlds of Words. She has lived in three different countries and owns an unreasonable number of t-shirts. A Whovian, Browncoat and Sherlockian, Jess loves anything to do with superheroes, Game of Thrones and Joss Whedon. She is the author of Girl Meets Underworld, As We Lie Dying and Escaping Rapture which is part of the After Tomorrow Anthology.
Gina A Watson Gina Ashley Watson is an Australian Writer who has always loved to tell a story. She started writing her first book in 2012 and has loved writing ever since. Gina studies a Bachelor of Writing and Creative Communication at the University of South Australia in Adelaide. Her favourite genres to write in are: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult and loves to read in those genres as well. Gina’s life now revolves around her boyfriend and family as well as studying, writing and trying to squeeze in time to read.
Luke West Luke has been writing for as long as he can remember, getting the initial 'buzz' when his short story 'Gus the Bus' was selected for publication in his primary school newsletter. He finds his characters to be unique with addictive personalities and loves to connect with his readers.
Matthew Wilson M
atthew Wilson, 31, has had over 150 appearances in such places as Horror Zine, Star*Line, Spellbound, Illumen, Apokrupha Press, Hazardous Press, Gaslight Press, Sorcerers Signal and many more.
thank you for hosting us!
ReplyDeleteTha k you for hosting us today!
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting the anthology :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for hosting our anthology! Enjoy the stories :3